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  • USSVI 2008 Convention: September 01, 2008 - September 07, 2008

Author Topic: USSVI MEETING FT WORTH  (Read 65020 times)

Offline Lance Dean

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« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2008, 10:04:22 PM »
Lookie here!

You guys know who this is don't ya?

Offline Viejo

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« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2008, 12:16:07 AM »
Guys, sorry for the delay in reporting in. Don't know how someone can get two weeks behind when only being gone for one week.
I wanted to thank very much all who sent brochures and other items for the table. I was late taking off so waited around for the mail that Monday and finally realized it was a holiday.  When I got back the next Monday, I had a nice big package from the Batfish. But don't worry it will go to good use.
  We had lots and lots of people who stopped and talked about what they wanted to see, what they had already seen and brought others over to see the DVD Lance had done and pick up brochures. We passed out almost all our bumper stickers, but have a few left if some want a couple.  I am making up packets of a few of each of the brochures and will send them to bases and individuals who will want some during the year.  Paul and a couple of others had sent me some items that could be auctioned or raffled off, but it didn't work out to do that at the convention. However there will be an auction coming up soon, so will put them in that one and we'll try and get a little money for a good cause. There were several people who stopped, who have done work days on the various boats and each was really proud of the boat they worked on. I think we spread the word to many who hadn't heard about all the boats. Every day, more people stopped by and if I was busy with someone, others would stop by and click on the pages and then tell the ones who were with them all about the boat they were looking at. So it was well worth the effort.  I'll save everything and next year, there will be a lot more people to see and learn about your boats. 
We had some of the new USSVI Calendars for 2009 on the table also and the two tied together very well. The display also helped sell calendars for USSVI, so that was nice also. If any of you haven't seen one of the Calendars, they are really the nicest that have ever come out and the pictures of the 12 boats for the months are prints that could be framed. The ones that couldn't be put on a month are shown on pages at the back of the calendar. So all are represented.
So thanks to all for what you sent and more importantly for what you do on a daily basis for our museum boats. Thanks of course to Lance for all the  work he put in on the DVD. It was really liked by all. Some would stand there and go back and forth from boat to boat and listen and talk.
I also explained to quite a few how to go about finding who to send money to for various boats, so hopefully some money will come in for some.
Thanks again,
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Offline Paul Farace

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« Reply #47 on: September 21, 2008, 08:43:03 PM »
Well done on the conference table!

An auction to benefit would be a really good idea!  Puuuullleeeezzzz no more scholarship funds!  !!!!  :buck2:

Johnny Cash's third cousin, twice removed

Offline Viejo

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« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2008, 08:49:24 PM »
Paul, you know my feelings about more scholarships.  Wouldn't it be nice to pick up a half million in donations in one month, then be planning on how to get more.
I'll keep all posted on the next appropriate auction that comes up where we can do some good.
It would be nice to just set up an auction here and raise money, but it takes a large audience that is used to participating and much planning to get it to be worthwhile. Siince the one of the aims of USSVI this years is to promote museum boats, then maybe I can talk someone into running an auction. What would help is if you guys had an agenda that would show where money coulld go where it could benefit all.
“Keep the memory of the USS Scorpion SSN-589 and its crew alive"

Offline Rick

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« Reply #49 on: September 24, 2008, 02:12:15 PM »
give me some time.  We are working on our master plan.  by the time I have it done you will be able to see just where we are going and have specific projects to invest in.  Like everything else, this takes time and money.  Keep in touch.  I will make sure that you get the info when we are done
