Darrin -
I appreciate all the work you guys've done to make this info available on ths site, and all of the work the guys have done on Torsk. As the token Army representative, and subsequently, NQP, I know I have a lot to learn, so I'm soaking it up wherever I can. This School of the Boat is helping tremendously.
I'll bend Gil's ear next time I see him - I think that at some point in the near future, I'm just going to have to sit down there in FBLL and absorb everything I can.
Diesel project is going well, but what Torsk really needs is a dyed-in-the-wool engine man. There's enough EMs to put BGE to shame, but no engine man. Chief's striking for ENC, I think; at least, he looked that way on Saturday!
I've a feeling I'll be a busy man, if that engine start-up ever happens, but I hope to be here for it. Mike's not comfortable starting anything without a dedicated EN in there to make sure that everything's correct, and I can't say that I blame him, if it's really been 40 years since the last time that engine was running.
Lots of other projects needing attention, too, and not a lot of crew to go around, but you knew that.