“Lost and Found: Legacy of USS Lagarto,” a one-hour documentary produced by the Wisconsin Maritime Museum, has won three Chicago/Midwest Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Achievement for Documentary Programs – Documentary of Historic Significance. The awards were presented on November 7 in Chicago. The Emmy’s are hosted annually by the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences to recognize outstanding television productions.
“Lost and Found: Legacy of USS Lagarto” also won an Emmy for Outstanding Achievement for Individual Excellence Off Camera: Music Composition/Arrangement and Outstanding Achievement for Individual Excellence Off Camera: Writing.
“We’re delighted that our Lagarto documentary has been recognized as an industry-leading film,” said Norma Bishop, executive director of the Wisconsin Maritime Museum. “It’s such an important and compelling story about our area’s maritime history and the impact WWII had on families around the country.”
DVDs of the one-hour documentary are available for purchase in the museum’s gift shop and online at wisconsinmaritime.org for $19.95 each, plus shipping and handling.