You have done wonders with the COD, I can only wish that others had the "Martha Stewart" of submarines onboard to take care of their boats the way that you have taken care of the COD

For me as a SubVet I feel like I need to apologize for the ignorance of my bretheren because they did not know how much you truly have given in restoring the COD nor do they or did they or will they understand how much the COD feels alive because you have gone the extra distance to make her feel like she is still in commission.
And yes of all of the museum boats combined the COD is the ONLY WWII boat that could in fact shut her hatches and submerge and then have air pumped into her tanks and have NO water inside the people tank.. what little would or could seep in could be easily be pumped out. I am truly JEALOUS that you still have to come onboard the same way that her CREWS did when she was COMMISSIONED

For those whom have not yet toured the COD you have sadly missed out to this point, I have walked the decks of the Pampinito, Torsk, Clamagore, Bowfin and a few others to include my beloved first flight 688 Class submarines..... the only boat that feels truly ready to go to sea (other then the few 688's that I rode way back when) is the USS COD
Disclaimer: I have yet to walk the decks of the USS Marlin or the USS Dolphin, and from what I understand they both have their hatches intact....... The Marlin may take a heck of a lot more water to get to submerge then the Dolphin...