Author Topic: Wooden Torpedo Transport/Display Skids Available.  (Read 9242 times)

Offline Lance Dean

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Wooden Torpedo Transport/Display Skids Available.
« on: March 12, 2010, 12:19:03 AM »
Received the following in the latest HNSA email:

I have received an email from Greg Stitz, of the Arkansas Inland Maritime Museum advising me that they have two (2) wooden skids that were built for transporting Mark 14 torpedoes from the Naval Undersea Museum, Keyport, WA to the museum in North Little Rock, AR. The skids were also used for displaying the torpedoes.  The torpedoes have been loaded inside ex-Razorback and therefore the museum has no further need for these skids. If any museum is interested in these skids, please contact Greg Stitz via email at Transportation of these skids would be the responsibility of the recipient museum.

Greg is a member of the forum here.  Give him a shout if you have any questions.