Update on the periscope. We have two guys from central Iowa who worked on periscopes, coming over soon. Hopefully it will be something they can adjust or fix with the periscope in place.
We found a missing dog on the hatch and are making a replacement. Also we adjusted the hatch and now it closes without any light showing, so hopefully that is fixed. I also got the ok to fix up any of the navy vehiciles on site for us to use. We have a big fork lift, a boom or crane vehickle, some jeeps, an ambulance and some other trucks. So maybe we'll be able to use the forkllift and crane to help with the painting on the Hazard and some patching of hte sail on the Marlin.
Last weekend we had guys from Stratcom out working, headed by Vice Admiral Carl Mauney. Wasn't sure whether to hand him a broom or salute, but he took the broom. LOL The cleaned out the Gazebo, took up the old carpet and scraped the clue, then painted the floor. Eventually the city will remodel the building and put new carpet down, bur for now, we can get our gift items in and start making a little money to have some to spend on things.
Oh, up on the facebook page for Freedom Park is all the pages in the TAB for the Marlin. This will help a lot as we start tracing and working with the electrical systems on board. I also am playing around with the best way to get good shots of the blueprints we have.
Rich P. suggests looking for a scanner of the 11 x 17 or 12 x 18 inch size to copy all of these documents and books we have for the two ships.
So things are progressing. I keep reading posts here of what you guys are doing and realize how far we stilll have to go.
Thanks for all the informative posts.