And if you read the rest of the traffic on the torpedo loadout's you will see it has been posted OR you could go and dig it up in the manual that I linked in.. The bare bones shell of all three pieces and the screws on it weighs a little over 1,000 lbs and it normally weighs in closer to 3,000. I wouldn't gut that weapon out unless you absolutely had to and there is no reason to, you will have to disconnect some things but remember that the only thing that you are disassembeling is the warhead from the air flask and the air flask from the engine group.
This isn't like having to take the transmission out of a UH-60, where the main rotor's have to come off then the rotor hub and then disconnect the nose gear boxes and then the wiring and the control's before you even start to put any rigging on it to pull it out.
Sorry that there is no IETM for you to use Correy, this is a tough project but not as tough as what you and I both have done to keep our respective airframes in the air flying and taking the fight to the bad guys.