Submitted by: Pat Householder Nat Cdr on 9/14/2008
The force of Hurricane Ike did major damage at Seawolf Park.
From arial shots, we can see the fence around the park is gone, the grounds flooded, the multi-ton Tautog Sail was moved (pivoted) about 40% if you consider the fulcrum point to be the fwd point of the sail, and the USS Stewart (DE) was undermined on the port side and is listing to port.
The entry and storage buildings are also missing and the USS CARP barrel (alongside the Stewart) is askew.
Click the video link below, then advance it to approx the 3 min mark to see the video over views of Seawolf Park. The announcer describes the Stewart as having washed ashore, but in fact it was planted in the soil as is Cavalla.
I sure hope they have good storm insurance, ‘cuz they are going to need it.
John McMichael and the Cavalla Assn may need to put a call out for help, both financial and/or physical. I hope and expect that all subvets who are capable of doing so will answer that call, if it comes.