First and foremost I have to apologize for misspelling Lesley's name it was not intended
Without you two working on the Drum as hard as you have in the last few years, the museum community would have litterally started licking it's collective chops thinking about the Drum and the fact that it would be ready for a strip ship like no others have seen before. Very rarely does anyone get a chance to strip out a WWII boat that is not in the water which means that EVERYTHING that can be unbolted/cutoff/torched off/ or just plain muscled off of the boat (to include the propellors) can and would have gone leaving nothing but a dead rusted hulk for a ship breaker to cut up in place

The last 2 boats that have been this close have both been saved literally at the last minute by volunteers and the other was the USS CAVALLA.. Granted the USS TORSK wasn't in much better shape 12 or so years ago (basicly a cold empty steel tube that used to be a PROUD submarine) when the Torsk "Bandits" showed up and started to save her with a LOT of support due to the BBS's and those whom showed up for the first dozen or so work weeekends and strip ships.
There are no amount of words that can truly say THANK YOU for all that you two have done, I am more than sure that the WWII crew will have a tear in their eye seeing her looking so good now. I am proud and honored to call you and Lesley both my friends and more importantly SHIPMATES... One day I will get to shake both of your hands and have a beer or your beverage of choice topside with you.
Here is the link that I posted over on the Torsk website prior to Tom straightening out a few things... No worries shipmate,