Yoooooooo heeey, now wait a minute here... you guys better not be talking about the VHF whip antenna tray on the SD mast!!! That is CORRECT for fleet boats that came out of refits after March 1945!!!
Ugly? It's a matter of opinion... who the hell gave anyone of us the right to say anything on a sub is ugly!!!
!!! I used to think that all fleet subs in their pre-guppy states were ugly spitkits full of rails, wires, open masts, etc. And that only Guppys and Nukes were pretty... now I know better! For shame!
Seriously guys... this is where a curator is needed. And his or her decisions are not based on democratic principles, hell NO! This is not something you vote on. Rather it is done based on a realistic evaluation of the situation, regarding money -- MONEY!!!! and resources (like volunteers who rarely show up, welcome to the club guys. It's just a fact of life and you have to accept it and work around it.). Often, it is best to do NOTHING!!! if by doing something you are doing the wrong thing, like removing a valid improvement made to fleet subs that allowed them to communicate using a VHF whip instead of the long wires exclusively.
It would be aking to removing your Type 8 search periscope because it was fat and ugly!!!
By doing little or no topside changes you can have an accurate, near perfect late, non-guppied Fleet sub (modified for public tours that is). The forward gun deck lip or overhang was removed to "streamline" the CT when the guns were removed. The lip can be replaced, along with any extensions to the aft end of the CT that may have also been removed at the same time for the same reason. Then put a 27-foot whip antenna on the whip tray you were trying to remove! It belongs there! The 40mm guns and 5 in gun can be found!!! You wouldn't put a flate screen TV in a 1956 CHEVY restoration now would you? Or more correctly, you wouldn't put a 1938 tube radio in your 2008 Lincoln Navigator? So why would you put 1944 parts on a 1952 USS BATFISH? Fact is, any post-war mods on Batfish were probably just late 1945 mods, as was done to COD in 1952 -- that is they brought her up to the standard March 1945 fleet sub configuration in 1952 as a way of saving money --- they didn't bring her up to 1952 standards, which would have required a Guppy mod of some sort, along with interior changes.
Appoint a curator, give that person the authority to decide what the boat should look like. Removing a piece of historic fabric is not the way to go. COD lost a smattering of such things to our WWII subvets who didn't know what they were doing... they were trying to make their work load easy by cutting and shitcaning anything that might require paint and de-rusting... welll carry that forward far enough and you end up with an empty steel tube.
There are lots of fun, easy, and informative resources on basic ship curation. And lots of us willing to help.
(I'll shoot the first sunavabitch who approaches that sacred sub with a cutting torch!!! YOU HEAR ME!!!!?
-- that wan't too over the top, was it?