Hi, I'm Bill and work with Lockwood Internet Base who Tom, Sean, and others belong to. I also keep up the sub memorials map on the USSVI site and work with the Boat Sponsorhip Program to make sure magazines come to each of the museum boats. This site of Lance's is a great idea. We will be working with him to get all of you who work on the museum boats posting here, exchanging ideas, and finding ways to get more money and volunteers for your boats. As part of that, at LIB we also are selling a patch in wholesale lots that can be used by each museum boat to make some money for the boat. It can also help to identify those who support your boat. USSVI has a convention this fall in Fort Worth and we are going to put up a big display for the museum boats. We'll be asking for help from you guys in putting this together. Email me with any questions or suggestions and I am sure some of the ideas we come up with will help others.