Whoa… when I originally joined, it looked as if the postings had tapered off. Glad to see I was wrong.
There has been a lot of good information shared thus far… A couple of noteworthy ones:
“It all depends on what your passion/interest is.”
Manage or direct? Curator or Historian? I have told many that my best utilization is where I am needed most – where I can do the most good. From the sounds of things not just here but across the professional spectrum, effective leadership is becoming a rare commodity. Now, do I have a backing band of crazed kazoo-playing maniacs to herald my theme song as I arrive to save the day from the nefarious efforts of evil super-villan, “Ms. Management”? No. I do, however, know from experience that I am far better than a lot of people who fancy themselves “effective leaders”.
“Museums are a business designed to educate, but also to make money.”
I just finished elaborating this point to the wife and began to think of all of the examples where they overcompensated one at the sake of the other with no regard to preservation. It is a very good point that seems to be missed by more than a few.
“But in today's world, credibility begins with education.”
As much as I want to hurl curses and the latest experiment with stir-fry at that statement, it is the sad truth. Funny, though, how most of the most incredible and unconscionably self-centered examples of poor management/leadership are also some of the most educated…
Mark Sarsfield:
“It's all the more heartbreaking when you see the potential just wasting away at your museum…”
I just read about the Clamagore, and this came to mind. It also brings to mind the Tu-4 (as well as others) sitting out in the elements at Monino…
Evil Tracey of Torsk (I actually did laugh out loud and think "Muahhaha!" at the name):
“Perhaps their spotty record is a function of pressures from upper management, or departmental rivalries, or, perhaps, they're wooden boat folks who just don't care.”
Management pressure. Two words guaranteed to make me cringe. Oy. Luckily, I’ve spent the last 18 years looking at those two words while I practice my smirking response of “A new target for my Jedi Mind Trick training…” Ok, I’m not that cool and composed, but once the initial anger subsides, I tend to look at it along those lines. It’s a challenge to deal with MP and the inevitable departmental rivalries, but there is no growth without external stimuli, right?
“It's one thing to know a lot, it's another to make that information accessible - and attractive - to the average museum patron.”
Again, it’s about balance. You can even have people accessible throughout the sub, but if they have no clue as to what it is you are talking about, then they will see through you and smell your fear. Or not – I sorta love the fact that the Bowfin could linger in clothes for the rest of the day. Poor choice for an eau de toilette, but it makes the ones it matters to smile…
Again, all very insightful responses (I’m sure that there will be more).
For the moment, the very lovely and patient Russian is quietly watching yet another episode of “The Office” and undoubtedly wondering if I am done typing about subs yet…