interesting... six pages on a topic that noone can cover in 1,000! Basically you need to consider you are going to report on the best submarine campaign in history and the worst in history... (basically I can't consider the Japanese submarine efforts to be a "campaign" actually... they never seemed to have even basic coordination, much less an organized campaign!
Remember, US subs sank more than 78% of the Japanese merchant fleet (56% of all enemy ships sunk)... the U-boats managed to sink and/or damage less than 1% of all Allied shipping during the course of WWII... and lost 30,000 of the 40,000 men in the effort! Read Clay Blair's "Hitler's Uboat War" for the only really comprehensive account of the U-boat war in the Atlantic. It's based on the recently declassified battle reports of the Atlantic anti-sub efforts... (we didn't want the Soviets to learn anything of value from the Germans, so the Atlantic action reports remained classified until the end of the Cold War!!! When Clay worte his magnus opus historica!