Charlie Hoy was toying with the idea of using the antenna for transmitting. I told him that it would have to wait until after hours, because you don't want people standing next to a radiator while it's transmitting. Especially, if they fire up the amplifier.
The vertical dipole antenna that they accidentally leave up all of the time is probably used on a different band than the long wire. So, they will still probably want to use it. I think they hinted at moving all antennas onto shore and running coax to them, but they need to be nudged, again, to do this themselves or to let you guys move it to a location that they are comfortable with. I think it could mount on the side of the antenna tower (vertically), since the tower is aluminum and shouldn't interfere with the wave propagation too much.
The wire will be already coiled up and zip-tied. It should be easy to store/hide until we get a new mast built and installed forward. Weight is about 8 lbs.