Rich's meticulous attention to detail shines thru yet once more! The clinometers are truly 4.0. I know he spent hundreds of hours getting every detail correct - so much so that he found the original WW-II manufacturer of the glass bubble tubes and obtained replicas made to the original WW-II plans.
On to a less pleasant topic --
I swear no matter what kind of visitor-proofing is installed in PAMPANITO, if a knob can be twisted, lever pulled, or switch thrown, someone will do so - without any idea of the consequences.
Thus, to limit liability and protect historic fabric, we must visitor-proof everything. Whatever works in Cleveland sure as hell does NOT work in San Francisco.
Every time we line up to run an engine, we check each and every switch that visitors can access, then unlock and activate the DC bus tie - then double-check everything that now has power available.
Sure as hell, even with an alert, roving below-decks watch, motor controllers get activated by roaming fingers about 25% of the time.
The ICMG switchboard in Maneuvering is well protected - but even then, someone manages to get their fingers behind the plexiglass and snaps one or two switches.
Theft has been a problem from time-to-time but it has been relatively minor for some time now. Ditto vandalism. [knocking on wood here]
The sad fact of life is that some visitors do not respect historic fabric and more to the point, some parents don't give a hoot in hell how destructive their bratty kids' behavior can be.
Another volunteer and I watched one ~8-year-old come thru Control one day with us standing right there -- he ran over to the hydraulic manifold, literally braced his feet, then began jerking the main vent valve control handles.
When they didn’t move, he began spinning the IMO pump switch like a roulette wheel.
About this time, I asked him to stop doing that. In response, he spun around and began jamming the helm to-and-fro.
Get this - his mother was indignant that I dared tell the little bastard to behave himself.
I sure wish I understood what is so magical about Cleveland that makes your visitors respectful of COD.