It is only a week away and COD will host her sister sub USS COBIA for the weekend! We're geting out the good china and silver and cleaning out the cobwebs for our VIP visitors! (OK, actually we're locking up the good china and silver and my only hope to remove the cobwebs from the boat is that a large group of fat people will tour COD this week and brush them away on themselves!) But in any case the COD crew is excited to meet and greet our shipmates from COBIA.
Without COBIA's help over the years, a lot of COD's important restoration would have been greatly delayed and would not have been as exact as we wanted. Not to mention the COBIA crew is holding our anchor hostage!
The links go back even further: COD was built on EBCO's No. 4 slip in the old north yard at the same time COBIA was under construction just south at the new Victory Yard annex. Back in the 1950s, when the Canandian Navy was behind schedule in reconsituting its submarine service, the COD and COBIA were among the "good condition" Gatos reactivated to provide NATO with anti-submarine training "target" subs. They were in the same division and worked together in several operations. We have neat photos of COBIA coming alongside COD to transfer our XO for a conference.
If anyone else among our esteemed BBS crew is in the neighborhood next weekend, stop by!
Karen: my cell phone is 216-408-6991, my email: Let me know when to pipe you and your crew aboard.