No I'm pretty sure - cause I never venture past After Battery - that's where th Bug Machine was so why go past it? Sides - those (U) guys in ATF were known for midnight raids

Us FTR guys (me) were total gen=teel=men! Why R chief held church services up there every Sunday!

Maybe it was one of those guys from Sonar - they could never be trusted,

With all those ears ya had to be careful what U said. I knew one that swore he knew the Captain's safe combination just from listen' on his sonar one day. We called him "Tumblers!" Funny somehow he had more liberty passes than anyone on the boat Tumblers got off more than Ol' Doc Foreskin!
We pulled into Jamaica (Ochoa Rios) on the Picuda once and I'm topside watch as the first guys left on liberty and I spots this old guy running in the weeds chasing a native girl (not much on too) through the bushes. Well I grabs the binoculars and this guy - uncovered and now shirtless, only had 3 fingers on one hand - it's Doc Foreskin! But there was Tumblers tending a wash tub of beer laughing his butt off at the Doc. The first guys were just stepping off the gangway. So ya know these two had something on the Brass. Gotta understand that Doc was married with about a baseball team of kids livin' in Key West. Real religious man too - so he says.
For the to days we were in port those two manned that wash tub of beer. I wasn't sure but I think somehow they were skimming money off the sale of beer to us. Bout the time we was leavin.' we see ol' Doc fall flat on his face - passed out cold. Native girl is now screaming - Tumblers is laughing and we got a shore party mustered to drag Doc back on board. Tumblers falls over but is bragging for some coffee can - we think it was the money can - and gets up running.
Well if you never been in Ochoa Rios back then, the dirt is red clay and would stick to your whites worse than gravy. About everyone had to shirt can one set of dress white pants cause of this red dirt. But Tumblers and Doc - lost an entire set of dress whites. Ya know, Tumblers, cause he's a Sonar guy, didn't see much sun, so his skin is now dyed that red clay color too - kinda looked like Sitting Bull now.
Both got poured below - stunk up FTR - and no one said a word about either one. Cruise back to Key West we had no Sonarman or Doc on duty.
I guess I dei-gressed a bit - maybe I did drop my bottle some place. Glad it was found. Gilly anyone?