This weekend at the USS Cavalla in Galveston, we reinstalled the original periscopes from the Cavalla, These scopes had been pulled and sent to the Kings Bay Periscope shop where they were completely overhauled and rebuilt.
We had a great group of volunteers coming from at least 4 different USSVI bases to participate in this project. We are having a Super Work Week in August and you are invited to participate. Some berthing is available for volunteers on the USS Stewart next to the Cavalla. To sign up send me an email at and I will put you in touch with the right people.
Check out the periscope job at the wonderful pictures posted by Char Doonan the wife of Jim Doonan who both came down from Dallas to assist. and the Cavalla website at
http://www.cavalla244.orgThere are also additional pictures at Facebook, Cavalla Historical Foundation will get you there.