Save the date!! The next Torsk Work Weekend will be held October 2nd - 4th, 2009. We're still nailing down a couple of berthing details, so please do not RSVP at this time. We will send out an update shortly announcing when we are ready to accept them. That being said, we wanted to get the date out as many have asked about it.
Come one come all, IF you haven't had the opportunity to be apart of a Torsk work weekend yet you need to take time out of your schedule if possible and become part of a family that lives on both coasts and works hard and plays just as hard just like we all did in our younger days in the Navy. Seriously the crew of the Torsk is more like a family then I have ever seen before and it is incredible to work on her and bring her back to life even more every year that we hold the work weekends. IN the 5+ years that I have been apart of the Torsk family I have NEVER left that boat feeling like we hadn't accomplished anything and honestly I have left her tired and sore but with a HUGE smile accross my face.
SO if you have the time and a little bit of cash for the trip you will be pleasently surprised and happy when you get to her and you will leave smiling and happy that you were apart of something really special and have an extended family that you never knew existed.