Author Topic: New display signage and stands  (Read 12452 times)

Offline Darrin

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New display signage and stands
« on: August 20, 2014, 09:47:02 AM »

It has been brought up ona different thread here that there are some museums whom would like do have new display signage and stands done for their indoor and outdoor displays and one of the museums that I used to volunteer with was able to come through with the information regarding their new signs that they have put up around their museum for their displays.

Turns out this company does all of the signage for the federal parks and they do excellent work and as you may have guessed not very cheap but well worth the expense as the signs and stands are expected to last 20 years of being outdoors.

The name of the company is Pannier Graphics and their signs from what I have been told run between $350-$500 per sign and stand

Hope this helps,


Offline Darrin

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Re: New display signage and stands
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2014, 09:48:22 AM »
forgot to add the link to their website....