Not sure what you mean about sealing off the top of the search scope housing... the rag is there to keep the drips of hydraulic oil from messing my wonderfully dry (but graying) hair. Our IMO pump is workiing, as are the scopes. They are housed at the moment (for winter) and will be raised for the summer. They work fine, with the exception that they are hard to turn (lots of crud in the chevron packings, I am told)... only an intensive refurbishment of the shear packing will correct that, says Paul Lapinsky, of Kollmorgen Co. (their recently retired field rep). Oh, and the ST radar in the search scope is not emitting (yet).
We are part way into a teardown of the accumulator (hard to work in the pump room)... but the IMO can raise the scopes fine alone.
Sorry, I just saw your posting.